Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween: H2O

Herro there everyone, its been awhile but i hope to not be so long ever again.  But on to why im actually writing this thing... Halloween.  The Michael Myers movies are my absolute favorite halloween movies. Growing up my family and I would always gather around the television to watch these movies.  They are my father and brothers favorite so of course its all we watched.  I always get freaked out and have nightmares but at the same time oddly I cant get enough of them.

But a for real update on my life is that I am now a senior! This means I have to think about my future and all that comes with graduating.  This is all very scary for me.  My personality is just to sit back and wait for something to happen and then go from there.  Now there are so many different directions my future could go its scary.  Im having to trust the Lord in so many new ways.  And I am loving it!!!  In my Old Testament Prophets class we were studying Isaiah 12 and this chapter jumped out at me.  It encompasses a lot of what I am praying for right now.  Especially verse 2 "Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.  The LORD, the LORD himself is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation."  I am praying that my heart would totally trust in what the Lord has planned for me and that I would not fear what the Lord has in store for me.